How to parameterize dataset in azure data factory | parameterization in azure data factory

2 min readSep 1, 2023


Follow the below steps to create the dynamic dataset in azure data factory.

Step 1: Under the dataset tab in author section click on add the dataset.

Step 2: Select the required source for your dataset (EG : Let’s say we are going to create a dataset to azure data lake).

Step 3: If you want to select specific file format you can select but I would suggest selecting the binary dataset as it supports all the different file formats available.

Step 4: Select the linked service and leave the file path files as it is without selecting any files and click on ok.

Step 5: After creating, the dataset go to parameters section and click on plus symbol to add the parameters.

Step 6: Now come to connection tab and in the file path section click on add dynamic content to parameterize your dataset with the parameters created.

Step 7: At last you can use this dataset in your pipeline and you can dynamically pass the values from your pipeline in azure data factory.

If you face any errors or need any help on azure data factory please feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn :



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